Mindfulness Breathing

Box Breathing/Equal Ratio Breathing (Sama Vritti)

Belly Breathing/Bellows Breath (Bhastrika Pranayama)

"Diaphragmatic/abdominal breathing"

Hummingbird Breathing

Can help clear the sinuses

Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana)

Skull Shining Breathing (Kapalabhati Pranayama)

Helps cleanse the lungs (bronchioles).

Victorious Breath (Ujjayi Pranayama)

Kihap, Kiai, Kihup, Kiyup, Aaaaahhhhh

This is your warrior yell whatever it may be. 

Have a challenge getting in your way?

Would you like some help with that?
I'll ask some questions and by the end of it, you'll gain 1, 2, or 3 things:
confidence, clarity, and an action step.