Mindfulness Breathing
Box Breathing/Equal Ratio Breathing (Sama Vritti)
Breath in for 4 seconds through your nose
Hold that breath for 4 seconds
Slowly breathe out for 4 seconds
Repeat as many times as you need
Belly Breathing/Bellows Breath (Bhastrika Pranayama)
"Diaphragmatic/abdominal breathing"
Position of comfort
Laying on your back or
Sitting or
One/both hand(s) on belly
Breath in through your nose and feel your belly expand (inflate the balloon)
Breath out through pursed lips and feel your belly squeeze all the air out
Repeat as many times as you need
Hummingbird Breathing
Can help clear the sinuses
Breath in through your nose
Breath out through your nose while humming for as long as you can
Repeat as many times as you need
Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana)
Empty your lungs
Close your right nostril with your thumb
Breath in through your left nostril
Free your right nostril and close your left nostril with your thumb now
Breath out through your right nostril
Breath in through your right nostril
Free your left nostril and close your right nostril with your thumb now
Breath out through your left nostril
That was one cycle. Repeat as needed.
Skull Shining Breathing (Kapalabhati Pranayama)
Helps cleanse the lungs (bronchioles).
Breath in through the nose
Forceful exhalation out through the nose in sniffs (sniff sniff sniff sniff) until you can't anymore
Victorious Breath (Ujjayi Pranayama)
Deep breathe in through the nose
Fill up the belly
Breathe out through the mouth
Fog the imaginary mirror in front of you real good
Kihap, Kiai, Kihup, Kiyup, Aaaaahhhhh
This is your warrior yell whatever it may be.
Take your stance. Intimidate your inner demons.
No fear, no hesitation.
Boost your power and confidence.
Have a challenge getting in your way?
Would you like some help with that?
I'll ask some questions and by the end of it, you'll gain 1, 2, or 3 things:
confidence, clarity, and an action step.