A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

A dream for the future of the ImPossible Dojo...

Anyone that lives in Colorado knows at least one thing. Real estate and renting is super cheap. So cheap I can't even afford it on my wages as an EMT. 

So, I have a dream. Since I can't afford an actual office and don't actually make enough to rent one out. And where I live is kind of not ideal to be a home office.

I want to build a mini dojo on wheels. Like one of those tiny houses, but it'll be a mobile dojo. Wouldn't that be neat? The mini dojo would also serve as my coaching office, but not really an office.....more of a place of warmth and meditation. It'll take advantage of the outdoor space to compliment its tiny space. 

For now, this is a dream. But I would like to make it come true one day. 

For the time being, I'll keep offering my services virtually and nomadically at libraries, parks, and wherever I can travel to that's within reason. But, that doesn't mean I can't slowly raise money to build my tiny ImPossible Dojo on wheels!

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